Classroom activities and guidance for primary schools
A suite of classroom activities and guidance for primary school staff and governors to combat sexism and gender stereotyping.
Download age-appropriate classroom activities for primary schools to combat gender stereotyping.
Gender Stereotypes and Me (KS2 / Years 5 & 6)
A classroom activity exploring gender stereotypes for years 5 and 6.
Gender Stereotypes and Me (KS2 / Years 3 & 4)
A classroom activity exploring gender stereotypes for years 3 and 4.
Exploring gender stereotypes with jobs (KS1 / 5-7 year olds)
A classroom activity exploring gender stereotypes with jobs for 5 – 7 year olds.
Exploring gender stereotypes with toys and colours (Early Years / 3-5 year olds)
A classroom activity exploring gender stereotypes with toys and colours for 3 – 5 year olds.