Sophie Morgan Williams – Teach First
“How much you achieve in life should not be determined by how much your parents earn. Yet in the UK, it too often is. We are an education charity and work with like-minded people and organisations towards a day where every child has the education they are entitled to. Each year we recruit, train and support people with leadership potential to be inspirational teachers to work in primary and secondary schools serving low-income communities across England and Wales. These leaders go on to work in schools and other sectors of society towards our vision: a future where no child’s educational success is limited by their socio-economic background.
Our annual Impact Conference has become a key part of this work in the last three years. In 2016 this unique development and networking opportunity, which attracts some of the best educators, business leaders and innovative thinkers from a wide range of sectors, welcomed over 250 speakers who helped to inspire and develop over 4,300 teachers and other education professionals. UK Feminista played their part, providing new teachers with the tools to challenge sexism in their classrooms as well as setting up experienced educators with the knowledge and skills to champion a whole school approach to gender equality.
The training and follow up support from UK Feminsta over the last three years has been outstanding with huge demand for their sessions and exceptionally highly rated feedback from our community. Not only are our teachers more aware of some of the challenges in working towards gender equality in both classrooms and across society but they are increasingly empowered and committed to apply their learning to their classrooms and change attitudes in schools.”